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Reserving food flow
Reserving food flow
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Busy Bites

Busy Bites connects BCIT students with fellow students or individuals near campus who are willing to share their healthy cooking. Through the app, students gain access to a map that display details such as nearby cooks, menu offerings, and meal availability.


This project was part of the QDS Hacks 2024 hackathon. The theme of the hackathon was to “Create an app that enchances student health or well-being”. Our group interviewed students at the BCIT campus and found that many students were struggling to eat healthy due to their busy schedules. We wanted to create an app that would help students eat healthier by connecting them with other students or individuals near campus who were willing to share their healthy cooking.

Our Solution

Busy Bites connects BCIT students with fellow students or individuals near campus who are willing to share their healthy cooking. Through the app, students gain access to a map that display details such as nearby cooks, menu offerings, and meal availability. Students can browse through the available meals, select their desired options, and place an order for pickup or delivery. By leveraging technology and community collaboration, Busy Bites empowers students to make healthier dietary choices and fosters connections within the BCIT community.

Target Audience

Busy Bites is designed for BCIT students who are looking to eat healthier, save time, and connect with other students. Our target audience includes students who are busy with their studies, work, and extracurricular activities, and are looking for convenient and affordable meal options. Busy Bites provides a platform for students to access healthy and delicious meals prepared by fellow students or individuals near campus, while also promoting community engagement and social connections.



Overall we are proud of the work we accomplished in such a short amount of time. We were able to create a functional prototype of the app that showcases the key features and functionalities of Busy Bites. We successfully implemented the map view, meal selection, and user profiles, which are essential components of the app. We also developed a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing users to access the app’s features seamlessly. Additionally, we leveraged modern technologies such as React, Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS to build a responsive and visually appealing app that meets the needs of our target audience.

A big challenge we faced was integrating the map view with the meal selection feature. We encountered some technical difficulties with the map API and had to troubleshoot the issue to ensure that the map displayed the correct information. In addition, we had to simplify the design to make it more feasible to implement within the hackathon timeframe. Despite these challenges, we were able to overcome them through collaboration, communication, and problem-solving, which allowed us to deliver a high-quality product within the hackathon timeframe.


In conclusion, Busy Bites represents a pioneering initiative aimed at revolutionizing meal planning and fostering community connections among BCIT students. Through our innovative approach and unwavering commitment to promoting health and well-being, we are proud to contribute to a brighter, healthier future for the BCIT community. Join us on this journey as we redefine the way students approach meal planning and cultivate a culture of wellness and community at BCIT.