Pollio's homepage
Poll Creation Page
Single Poll Page

Create interactive polls and gather real-time data driven insights


Reflecting on my own experiences, I often found myself in situations where real-time feedback was valuable, whether it was during classroom discussions, team meetings, or even social gatherings. This led me to the idea of developing a real-time polling application that could facilitate instant feedback and decision-making in various settings.

The concept evolved from there as I delved into the planning stage. I envisioned a user-friendly interface where teachers could create polls with customizable options and students could vote in real-time. I wanted to use SignalR because enable seamless communication between the server and clients, ensuring that updates and results are delivered instantly to all users. Additionally I wanted to apply what I learned from my ASP.NET course and apply it to a real project.

The primary goal was to create an engaging and efficient polling platform that could be used in diverse scenarios, from small group discussions to large-scale events. By allowing for easy deployment and integration with existing systems, the polling application could serve as a valuable addition to various platforms and environments.

This would foster several benefits, including:

Furthermore, I considered the scalability and versatility of the application, envisioning it as a tool that could be used in diverse scenarios, from small group discussions to large-scale events. By allowing for easy deployment and integration with existing systems, the polling application could serve as a valuable addition to various platforms and environments.

Learning Objectives

Target Market

This app caters to a broad audience seeking an engaging and efficient polling platform, including:


Live Poll Results

Poll Creation


Reflecting on the project, several aspects went well, including the successful implementation of real-time functionality, the intuitive user interface, and the flexibility of the application for various use cases. However, there were also challenges encountered, such as making sure the frontend and backend were able to communicate effectively and ensuring the application could handle a large number of users and polls simultaneously.

In the future, I would like to enchance the application by adding more features such as:


Overall, the project helped me gain valuable experience in developing real-time applications using SignalR and ASP.NET. I learned how to establish connections between clients and the server, broadcast updates efficiently, and handle user interactions in real-time. The project also allowed me to explore the potential of real-time polling applications in various settings and consider the benefits of instant feedback and engagement.